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4 posters



    Posts : 11
    Join date : 2012-11-18
    Location : Florida||Tally

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    Post  Techno Sat Aug 10, 2013 11:55 am

    Post your suggestions here.
    Your suggestions must be detailed or they'll be deleted/over looked.

    Details -

    Custom[Canon, this means it's not in the anime]  OR 
    Real[this means it's actually in the anime]

    Can you get it randomly or do you have to buy it in the PTS shop?
    What can it do?
    What does it look like?
    Does it have passives? if so, what do they do?
    Does it need special requirements? if so, what are they?

    Techno Iriguke A.L.T DJ~Suggestions 688485786_517850_zps5376cd10

    I'm not money hungry Razz it just makes it easier for people who can't use the button in-game.

    Last edited by Techno on Sun Aug 11, 2013 9:17 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 2
    Join date : 2013-01-20
    Age : 33
    Location : Cali

    Suggestions Empty Re: Suggestions

    Post  Brainiac5 Sun Aug 11, 2013 5:32 pm

    sunny ok how about this , clothes or suits that when you have the set give you a small boost to a statt or such , rare drops from killing top npc. plus new strong npcs lol! 

    Posts : 2
    Join date : 2013-08-11

    Suggestions Empty Idea list of sorts

    Post  ykid1000 Sun Aug 11, 2013 6:10 pm

    An Event that triples the points gain.

    Candy Canes and other temp boost that can be bought for points at the shop.

    An Rare event that drops a random special item , maybe one that are hard to get an a random place on Earth,SS, or HM and first person to find it gets it.

    Points can be traded in for yen ,maybe for 200 points for for 250k

    Sending yen to another person's account via bank instead of dropping it.

    Randomly some higher level npc's drop double the points

    Poison Bankai only bringing strong npc's down to half or maybe a third of your health instead of killing you. also poison time should be based on your opponents rei vs yours.

    Posts : 11
    Join date : 2012-11-18
    Location : Florida||Tally

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    Post  Techno Sun Aug 11, 2013 9:04 pm

    Brainiac5 wrote:ok how about this , clothes or suits that when you have the set give you a small boost to a statt or such , rare drops from killing top npc. plus new strong npcs
    I like it! Will do.

    ykid1000 wrote:An Event that triples the points gain.

    Candy Canes and other temp boost that can be bought for points at the shop.
    Love it, define other temp boosts. Zanjutsu, Reiatsu?

    ykid1000 wrote:
    An Rare event that drops a random special item , maybe one that are hard to get an a random place on Earth,SS, or HM and first person to find it gets it.
    Not quite sure on that one, a little more specific on the item type?

    ykid1000 wrote:
    Points can be traded in for yen ,maybe for 200 points for for 250k
    Another great idea, but instead of 250k how about 200k for 200pts? Making it 10 yen per point.

    ykid1000 wrote:
    Sending yen to another person's account via bank instead of dropping it.

    Randomly some higher level npc's drop double the points

    Poison Bankai only bringing strong npc's down to half or maybe a third of your health instead of killing you. also poison time should be based on your opponents rei vs yours.
    Love these three ideas as-well, but on the poison, do you mean the damage is equal to a third of your hp?

    Techno Iriguke A.L.T DJ~Suggestions 688485786_517850_zps5376cd10

    I'm not money hungry Razz it just makes it easier for people who can't use the button in-game.

    Posts : 2
    Join date : 2013-08-11

    Suggestions Empty Re: Suggestions

    Post  ykid1000 Mon Aug 12, 2013 11:39 am

    ykid1000 wrote:An Event that triples the points gain.

    Candy Canes and other temp boost that can be bought for points at the shop.
    Other boosts being the Bon Bon and Chocolate santa along with the candycane
    ykid1000 wrote:An Rare event that drops a random special item , maybe one that are hard to get an a random place on Earth,SS, or HM and first person to find it gets it.
    Maybe masks or an item thats a collection of points, maybe an item from Brainiac5's idea , also might have a sign above the item to indicate the prize
    ykid1000 wrote:Points can be traded in for yen ,maybe for 200 points for for 250k
    Any similar amount is fine 250k was just the first number that came to mind ,but making it equivalent would be better
    ykid1000 wrote:Sending yen to another person's account via bank instead of dropping it.

    Randomly some higher level npc's drop double the points

    Poison Bankai only bringing strong npc's down to half or maybe a third of your health instead of killing you. also poison time should be based on your opponents rei vs yours.
    The poison should bring players and top npcs down to a maximum of one third health each time its activated on you. The total damage being dealt would be 2/3rds of your health. If the time is based on Rei ,Then it should still have a limited max amount of time.

    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2014-08-09

    Suggestions Empty Re: Suggestions

    Post  Kurogane Sat Aug 09, 2014 3:08 pm

    How about making rei more useful in combat? Like remember Ichigo vs Zaraki? There wasnt much difference in "Zanjutsu"(Speed and Technique) but Ichigos Reiatsu wasnt strong enough to actually hurt Kenpachi so I was thinking about making Zanjutsu more like attack speed, aim and dodge and make Reiatsu more strength like in battles.... idk if I made myself clear with this anyway it thought it would be a good idea

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